Total Log Cabin Restoration team is currently situated in Greenville, NC, specifically in Pitt County. Their objective involves the restoration of Kari L's log residence. The tasks encompass repair work, the removal of old finishes, and the application of new coatings. This log abode is in need of some carpentry attention. In this regard, Mike, our highly skilled carpenter, will remove and replace: 11 feet of log rot, 3 log ends, and i 6x6 post.
William, is the leader of the crew, who spearheads the initial phases of the restoration process. As is customary with all restoration endeavors, the decks are cleared of obstructions, and all furniture is relocated. To ensure their safeguarding, the gutter downspouts are dismounted, shielding them from staining substances while facilitating easy access to the corners of the residence. Furthermore, a comprehensive protective measure is adopted for all exterior lighting fixtures. These are methodically covered and secured with tape to prevent damage and minimize the risk of electrical malfunctions.
on the first day, the crew initiates the restoration procedure by applying a stripping solution onto the logs. This potent substance is allowed sufficient time to exert its effects. After a duration of twenty minutes, the stripping agent is meticulously rinsed off using a pressure washer. Subsequently, a team member administers a neutralizing agent, effectively deactivating the effects of the stripping solution.
the subsequent day, after a night of natural drying, the crew undertakes the process of sanding the logs. This meticulous sanding endeavor serves the dual purpose of achieving a smooth and uniform surface on the logs while simultaneously preparing them for the forthcoming application of the new stain.
the conclusion of the sanding process, a specialized Borate treatment is meticulously applied. This treatment is instrumental in preventing the potential damage caused by wood-boring insects to both the logs and trim.
to the third day, allowing the log home sufficient time to thoroughly dry, the crew undertakes a comprehensive assessment of all caulking elements. This includes a meticulous evaluation of the caulking surrounding window and door frames. In instances where rejuvenation is deemed necessary, fresh caulking material is judiciously applied.
the completion of these preparatory stages, the log cabin is primed for the forthcoming stain application. The chosen stain for this restoration is TWP Russet. Application of the first coat transpires on day three, with the subsequent coat being meticulously applied on the ensuing day, marking day four of the restoration journey.
Total Log Cabin Restoration
804 Meadow Flowers Ave
Wake Forest, NC 27587
© Total Log Cabin Restoration 2022